"You can't go as far forward if you don't acknowledge the past"
Florence Marion Gertrude Harrison, was born August 21, 1941 in Windsor Ontario.ledge the past." Flo comes from a family of 15 siblings. Education was important to her family and Flo's father was adamant that they all get their high school diploma. She said it wasn't easy, but the older ones helped the younger ones.
Flo recalls how she committed to supporting the Black students at York Memorial and helped then found the Black Students Orientation Club in the early 1970's. Although Caribbean peoples had previously emigrated to Canada, after the multiculturalism policy was initiated in 1971 by then Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the number of emigrants from the Caribbean grew which meant the number of Black students grew.
Listen to Flo as she recounts stories of her ancestors, racism, standing up for herself, and the impact she has had on Black students as a teacher.